Duke3d.grp Download

Game information

I had the itch to go back and play Duke 3d, so I went to find the GRP files. I found DUKE.RTS no problem, but for the life of me, I can't find DUKE3D.GRP. Normally I would install the game and grab the files there, but since I'm running Win10 I can't. Does anyone know where DUKE3D.GRP is located on the CD-ROM? Apr 08, 2019 Duke3d.grp is necessary to play the game - if this file is missing, it won't be run on both DosBox and eDuke. You can play the game through DosBox, right? If yes, there MUST be a Duke3d.grp-file. Yet there is no file marked DUKE3D.GRP that I can find, the closest I come to it is a 'microsoft program group'.

Category:First-Person Shooter
More details:MobyGames
Violence:This game includes violence
Part of group:
DOSBox:Supported (show details)

Play this game online

You can play Duke Nukem 3D on this website so you don't need to download and install the game on your computer. We recommend to use Google Chrome when playing DOS games online.

Online game
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Eduke32 Linux

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FileFile typeFile size
executable: dn3d-brw.bat
configured for DOSBox
Shareware (installed)
6,203 kB
(6.06 MB)
includes installer
5,772 kB
(5.64 MB)

Buy full version

Game titleDownload site
Duke Nukem 3DSteam
Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic EditionZoom Platform


The shareware version contains the entire first episode of the game, L.A. Meltdown. There are five regular levels and one secret level.

NOTE: This game can be played directly in Windows using a source port (see the links section below).

If the game runs too slow in the browser, press F5 to switch to low detail, which will speed it up.


Description (by MrFlibble)

Duke3d.grp Download

Duke Nukem must save the world as we know it once more, this time in 3D. After putting an end to an alien threat in Duke Nukem II, Duke returns to Earth only to find another extraterrestrial invasion underway.

Armed with his wits and an extensive arsenal of weaponry, Duke will travel through various locations both on Earth and in its orbit, and even on the Moon in order to push the alien invaders back.

Duke3d.grp Download

Cheats (by VGTips.com)


Here are the major in-game cheat codes available for Duke Nukem 3D. Type these codes (the part in bold) in while you're playing the game to activate the cheats:

dncoords: Display your map position
dncornholio or dnkroz: Toggle God mode
dncashman: Press Spacebar to get money
dnclip: Walk through some walls
dndebug: Display debug information
dnending: End episode
dnhyper: Unlimited steroids
dninventory: All weapons, ammo and items
dnitems: Maximum armor, all keys
dnkeys: All keys
dnmonsters: Toggle monsters
dneat: Full health
dnnuk: Full ammo
dnrate: Display frame rate
dnscotty[episode#][level#]: Go to another level
dnshowmap: Display entire map
dnskill[skill level, 0-4]: Change skill level
dnstuff: All weapons, maximum ammo and all keys
dnunlock: Toggle all doors
dnview: 2nd viewpoint
dnweapons: All weapons and ammo

Game links

Duke3d.grp Download

Duke3d.grp File

  • Roland SC-55 Music Packs (HQ music for source ports) tip
  • Duke Nukem 3D (Lazy Game review)
  • Duke Nukem: Alien Armageddon (community-made expansion) tip
  • Duke Nukem 3D Upscale Pack (high-res graphics for EDuke32) tip
  • Duke Nukem 3D PSX sounds (higher resolution sounds for EDuke32)
  • Roland ED SC-D70 Music Packs (HQ music for source ports) tip
  • EDuke32 (Duke Nukem 3D cross-platform port) tip
  • webduke (play Duke Nukem 3D shareware in browser)
  • JFDuke3D (Duke Nukem 3D Windows port)
  • xDuke (Duke Nukem 3D Windows port)
  • The AMC TC (Build engine Duke Nukem 3D tie-in) tip
  • Mr The Killer (Build engine game)
  • WGRealms 2 (Duke Nukem 3 fangame)
  • Duke4.net (Duke Nukem Fan Community) tip


What do you think of this game? Please rate it below on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest score.

Game screenshot

Duke3d Hrp



File types