This is the beginning of a number of case mod videos I am going to do as part of the SC Modding segment. There is so much to cover for case mods, its literal.
- Most cases have rubber or plastic feet, but these are often too hard to absorb the noise and vibration that the system transfers to the surface it sits upon. Use mouse pads or similar soft spongy material between the case feet and the floor or desktop to eliminate this source of noise.
- Case Mod Monday – Pac-Man PC. 30 years ago an arcade game was released that helped change the video game scene forever. Pac-Man was given to the world in 1980 and in 2020 this version has.
- Compact Custom MOD cases for PC. SFF Solutions for Professionals and Gamers. Only we have the Largest selection of Mini Cases for your Computer.

The 11th edition of Case Mod World Series, established since 2009 our annual contest has inspired many to push the limits of PC design, performance and innovation and have created an ever-growing community of PC case modders.
Join us for #CMWS20 and master your creativity!
An open call out to all modders around the world to join #CMWS20. Fill out the form below by Oct 31, 2020.
Check out all the different awards and prizes up for grabs this year and decide your mod project. Multiple entries welcome.

Head over to the CMWS worklogs and start sharing your mod design, progress and everything else in between.
How To Mod A Pc Case Creator

Pc Case Modder
You will have until Jan 31, 2021 to finish your mod & worklog. Be sure to head back and check for more updates on this later.
Do I get any confirmation once I’ve signed up?
A confirmation email should have been sent to the email address you provided, please check your inbox or junk mail or contact us.
How many mods can I enter?
As many as you’d like, please start a separate worklog for each entry.
How do I create my worklog?
Log in or sign up here and start a new thread in the worklog.
What do I need to put in the worklog?
See a guide on how to update your worklog here.
What categories can I enter this year and what are the requirements?
Please check the awards page here and the rules for entering here.
What if I started my mod before the registration opened?
As long as you didn’t start before 1st Jan, 2020 it’s all good!
I’ve finished my project & worklog, where do I submit?
The submissions form will be open Dec 14th 2020.
When is the project completion deadline?
All final submissions are due by Jan 31st, 2021.
When will the winners be announced?
All winners will be announced Mar 4th, 2021.
My questions are not answered here, who can I contact?
Please email [email protected].
Diy Computer Case Mods

How To Mod A Pc Case Lock
There's no two ways about it, most computer cases are boring. The projects in this guide are all awesome things that you can do to your computer case to make them better, so, pull out the power cord, bust open that case, and start hacking, etching and lighting away!
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