The Spiritual Rules Of Engagement Free Pdf Software

ACTIVATION DECLARATIONS. Adapted from Commanding Your Morning by Cindy Trimm. As GOD’S OFFICIAL legislator and law enforcement. “Remember me, Lord, when you show favor to your people that I may enjoy the prosperity of your chosen ones.” Psalm For many. In her authoritative, declarative style, Cindy Trimm helps you achieve victory over your circumstances through spoken declarations that activate God’s power.

Feel free to use my sample Rules of Engagement document for your team. If you make changes, please leave a comment here so I can consider making your change to the master document I use when I train teams. If you have questions about the document either leave a comment here or email me and I’ll try to get you an answer. Alarm management handbook bill hollifield pdf Rules of engagement Prayers & Declarations By Cindy Trimm And just as he took authority and overcame everything that threatened his ascent to the throne, you must take authority and overcome everything that threatens your ascent into the realm of success and prosperity.

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In stillness and quietness I will wait for You, and You will lead me in the way I should go.

Commanding Your Morning Daily Devotional Quotes

God spoke, and from “nothingness” came everything that exists in the physical universe. They knew they had to save in order to have several months of reserves in case of calamity. When Jesus tells the parable of the Rich Fool in Luke I decree and declare that my storehouse will overflow and my vats will be filled with new wine in the name of Jesus.

The more wisdom you can obtain in this area, the better. As you do, know that whatever begins with God and His principles has to end right.

In her authoritative, declarative style, Cindy Trimm helps you achieve victory over your circumstances through spoken declarations that activate God’s power. I welcome opportunities to grow and mature. Let it be something good. Cindy Trimm is a motivational declarationns and preacher and a multifaceted executive, life coach, and success mentor.

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Learn How To Access God’s Financial Provision – Cindy Trimm Ministries International

Remember, according to Proverbs According to Hebrews Bring complete order to my day as I seek You first and make Your will my priority. Let your imagination take over.

If a farmer only kept one storehouse and his crops failed for any reason from drought to locusts, then he would have nothing to feed and maintain his farm until another crop could be harvested. Music box dancer richard clayderman. This is an ideal prayer companion to Dr.

Blessings overtake me because I heed Your voice. Then David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone; and he slung it and struck the Philistine in his forehead, so that the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the earth.

Line up your mouth—the rudder of your life—with where you are going. Take your life and leadershp to another level by beginning each day super-charging the atmosphere with these powerful declarations. Begin each day by commanding your morning. Refresh and try again. What did he mean?

Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers. A double-minded person is a person with conflicting thoughts—someone who holds two different opinions at the same time. Thank You for teaching me ways to increase my effectiveness— to work smarter. This is what happens when people start speaking about the good things they are expecting to happen one trinm, and then spend the next half hour talking about all the negative things happening to them that are keeping them from getting there.

It reminds me of the story when Samuel went to David and poured anointing oil over his head to signify he would be the next king of Israel. The anointing that is on my life repels every individual with a diabolical assignment. As I guard my tongue, my life is changing for the best.

Rules of engagement Prayers & Declarations By Cindy Trimm

And just as he took authority and overcame everything that threatened his ascent to the throne, you must take authority and overcome everything that threatens your ascent into the realm of success and prosperity. David used his right to decree and declare to turn the tides of Israel’s unfavorable fate and to defeat their enemy Goliath. Your gifts are free and irreversible.

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Rules of engagement Prayers & Declarations By Cindy Trimm |

Yet not what I will, but what you will. But first, here are a couple of great prophetic E-Books by Cindy Trimm: Try cindj and know my thoughts. So the farmer would have a second storehouse for seed to plant in case of crop failure, and a third reserve storehouse to sustain him while the next crop grew. Breathe new life into every dormant dream. I do not only hear the Word; Declaratuons also do what it says. Thank you Cindy Trimm.

Let my name be associated with good things. Want to Read Currently Reading Read.

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What Cindy Trimm shares here is a great reminder that life and death are in the power of the tongue: 'The power of the spoken word is one of life's greatest mysteries. All that you will ever be or accomplish hinges on how you choose to govern what comes out of your mouth. By what you allow to occupy your mind and mouth, you can either bless your life to great heights of success or send it orbiting into realms of failure, sadness, and discontentment.'

This is a good word to remember and live by!

Here are also a couple of resources that will benefit you, along with reading this word:

The Rules of Engagement

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Your Words Can (And Do) Change Other People's Environment!

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Steve Shultz

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The ElijahList & ElijahRain magazine

'What Have You Put Out in The Atmosphere?'

Everything in the universe begins with and revolves around two things: words and thoughts. These two elements are divine gifts created by God and given to man. They form the creative substance that molds and shapes the destiny of humanity. Each of us becomes the person we are, chooses the direction we take, and accomplishes everything we do based on these two primary elements.

Just as in every seed, there is life-giving power that resides in every spoken word. This principle illustrates how the spiritual law of incubation and manifestation works. Everything you see in the natural began as a spiritual seed—that is, as a thought.

We are told in 2 Peter 1:3-4 that God, in His infinite wisdom, has already given us all things pertaining to life (the Wycliffe version says, 'all things of His God-like virtue') that we might partake of His divine nature. Included in this celestial equipping are divine thoughts and inspired words.

Megyn Price

As a spiritual being created in the image of God (see Genesis 1:26) your spiritual genes hold the creative power to frame your personal world by the thoughts and words you think and speak, which are divine tools given for your creative use. All you are, experience, and ultimately achieve can be traced back to how you have made use of these two simple, yet vastly powerful, tools—your words and thoughts.

What Occupies Your Mind Determines What Eventually Fills Your Mouth

The power of the spoken word is one of life's greatest mysteries. All that you will ever be or accomplish hinges on how you choose to govern what comes out of your mouth. By what you allow to occupy your mind and mouth, you can either bless your life to great heights of success or send it orbiting into realms of failure, sadness, and discontentment.

This is why Proverbs tells us, 'For as he thinks in his heart, so is he' (Proverbs 23:7), and urges, 'Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life' (Proverbs 4:23). Jesus followed suit by declaring, 'For whatever is in your heart determines what you say. A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart' (Matthew 12:34-35).

What occupies your mind determines what eventually fills your mouth; your outer world showcases all that has dominated—and at times subjugated—your inner world. Because the law of cause and effect is continually at work, there is always an inner cause for every outer effect. Your outer world is a direct result of your inner world.


Every circumstance in life is a result of a choice—and every choice is the result of a thought. All those things that fill your mind hold the keys to your reality. Your thoughts provide the fuel for your words, and your words provide the fuel for your world.

It is paramount that you become the master of your thoughts. The greatest man has become so by the scrupulous attention he gives to controlling what goes into his mind and what comes out of his mouth.

So, 'Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

The Spiritual Rules Of Engagement Free Pdf Software Free

'Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things' (Philippians 4:6-8).

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Dr. N. Cindy Trimm
Cindy Trimm International


About Cindy Trimm: Dr. Cindy Trimm has given her life to instructing and activating persons in the atomic power of prayer and equipping nations to pursue destiny. She is a 21st Century leader who has partnered with heads of state, business moguls, politicians, church, civic and world leaders for more than 30 years to equip and empower millions to maximize their potential. Her track record as a revolutionary thinker and prolific communicator has established her as a well-respected and sought-after leader in the world today. She founded Cindy Trimm International (CTI) to bring practical solutions to spiritual and social ills; effecting change within our communities while transforming the course of our global destiny. Dr. Trimm is best known as the General in the Art of Strategic Prayer and Spiritual Warfare, Kingdom Practitioner and is a respected prophetic voice, bestselling author, life coach, and Ambassador of Hope. She is the author of: The Rules of Engagement and Commanding Your Morning books and has been featured on many television, streaming, and radio programs.

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Action Worship Center
9759 Mountain Laurel Way, Suite 1B; Laurel, MD
Contact: 301-498-7501
April 18-19, 2009
Fountain of Truth Baptist Church
9801 Chalmers Ave; Detroit, MI
Contact: 313-839-5200
April 24-25, 2009
Breath of The Spirit
Campus B - Main Events
1531 S. Sinclair; Anaheim, CA
Contact: 714-695-0668

The Rules of Engagement

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Cindy Trimm

There is a spiritual battle going on, and prayer warrior and intercessor Cindy Trimm has given you a manual to wage effective warfare. The Rules of Engagement helps you recognize the spirits that operate in the kingdom of darkness and gives you declarations for engaging them armed with God's power and authority.

It is time to take a stand against the powers of satan. Using the authority you have been given by God, you can enter the realm of prayer-power.

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The Spiritual Rules Of Engagement Free Pdf Software Downloads

Your Words Can (And Do) Change Other People's Environment!

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David Van Koevering

This teaching by musicologist and physicist David Van Koevering is nothing short of mind bending! You'll hear of why your words change things - just like Solomon stated in Proverbs 18:21, 'death and life are in the power of the tongue.'

You'll also gain potent keys to why and how you can leave blessings wherever you go. This teaching is nothing short of a hearty WOW!

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